The Mroczkos are off on a quick trip to America! I am not entirely sure you can call 6 1/2 weeks a “quick” trip, but compared to our normal time in America, this is much more condensed! This is also a time of year that we do not regularly travel, but now that we have girls in “real school,” our schedule is not our own. Ha! So, reluctantly, we head to the heat of Texas and Georgia summer. Goodbye, cool and crisp 75 degree weather. Hello, hot and dry 100 degree weather.
This year will look quite different for us. We will not be taking a whirlwind 6 week trip in an RV across Southeast America, we will not be staying in 23 different places in a 3 month span, and we are not a brand new (6 week old) family as we start out! Gosh, this is gonna be a breeze! (I probably shouldn’t say that, should I?)
We would appreciate your prayers as we prepare for a fundraising event in early September and as we connect with supporters and family and friends. We will be taking a special little “family-moon” trip just before we come home for the girls to start school. Last year, as part of our wedding registry, some beautiful and generous friends gave gifts towards a special trip for us to celebrate being a new family. With all of the craziness and hectic time of travel while in America last year, we just did not feel it was the right time to do that. Now, we feel much more settled as a family and we simply cannot wait to celebrate what God has brought together!!!
As always, though it is exciting to take a trip to America together, we leave a part of our hearts behind in Kenya. We are grateful and thankful for a wonderful staff who keeps ministry going while we are away. Babies are still cared for and loved on, men and women continue to meet for Bible study and encouragement, outreach goes on in our extended village, and God still moves! What a blessing it is to be a part of a ministry that operates with such fluid motion! THAT, my friends, is a gift of favor from God!
To our Kenyan family ~ We love you! See you soon!
To our American family ~ See you sooner! 🙂