The battle is ON!
These guys are getting armed for battle and excited about their faith! We love to see how happy they are when they get their new study.
This time, Priscilla Shirer’s Armor of God is up!
Yes, our guys actually do like doing Priscilla Shirer studies.

It’s family time
Church family time, that is. We were happy to be back with our church family, Trinity Vineyard Nakuru. Before we left Kenya in December, we had been traveling and doing church with our staff so it had been far too long since we had been back home to TVN.
It just so happened that Edgar was doing a series on relationship and took the week we were back to talk about family. We were honored to share and speak in the service. We have missed that!!

And teaching time
Jim and I thoroughly enjoy time with our staff, especially when we get to dig into the Word of God together. We were there to kick off our new study, Armor of God.
We do things a little slower with our studies, taking them one day at a time, literally. Each week, we go over one “day” in a study, working through it together and having plenty of discussion. We take time to chew the words and make relevant cultural connections.
One by-product benefit of this is that Jim will return in 5 weeks, so he will be there to lead the kick-off of the next “week” (or month) and show the video session.

Another goodbye
We have had too many of these lately!
No matter the circumstances of leaving, goodbyes are important in this culture. Before we leave, our staff prays protection and sends us off with blessings. We are so grateful for time with our Kenya family, but are also ready to get back to our girls and Nana.

Daddy~Daughter time
For years I was apprehensive about ever being in America and Julia being involved in some sort of daddy-daughter event. You know, Valentine’s things, or Donuts for Dad type things. Yes, she had her Papa, but you know the reality of what that says to a young girl.
Well, by the time she had her first real “Dad” event….she HAS a Dad! And at that, she has a pretty darn good one!
And on another note….where did little Julia go? This girl looks pretty close to a teenager!
Gosh, I love these two!

Passport to Purity
Another shout0out to Julia. She got to participate with her Sunday school and GA friends in Passport to Pruity.
If you have a preteen, this is a wonderful resource! Check into it!
And this is one big perk of time in America. We are so glad our girls have time to connect with and truly invest in life with our home church, continuing to build relationships that have had in spurts over the year.