Living in a beautiful country like Kenya, being able to see exotic animals like zebras and giraffes and baboons while driving down the road, being surrounded by beautiful, hospitable, loving people, having a yard full of funny toddlers and cuddly tiny babies always within reach, seeing God’s mighty hand at work around every corner…all these things make for a fun life. Indeed, we live do a blessed one.
But let me just say, as it is with any life, it is not without its challenges. And this season of our lives is full of challenges. First of all, let me say that His Cherished Ones is in a GREAT place! God is doing some amazing things and the growth of ministry and depth of our people is beyond encouraging! Still, as with any business, there is always a “work” side to things. And in a country like Kenya, that is a whole new level of challenges that neither Jim nor I have ever experienced in America! Just ask anyone who has been here in Kenya for any length of time!
As much as our hearts are to be out doing and spending most of our hours in relational ministry, we have spent many more hours in business mode this past month. We want all of our friends and supporters to know that it is of utmost priority for us to be in right standing, in accordance with all governmental guidelines, and living within all the laws of our land. Fortunately, through the years of His Cherished Ones, God has graciously placed advisors and people in our path and in our ministry that have guided us. This is a great assurance to rest in as the government of Kenya makes changes and follows up on things. Meanwhile, with the changes, we spend many hours making sure we are in complete compliance with all facets of all laws and departments within which we work. The part that makes this so time consuming is that several branches of government are all working and verifying things at the same time: Immigration, Children’s Departments, and the revenue service…all of which we are intricately involved in.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we go through some processes over the next weeks. If you wonder why we may not be posting as much on Facebook as we normally do, or staying in contact like we want to, this is mainly due to the fact that we are crazy busy – and NOT with the fun stuff! Ha! At least numbers and business and organizational management is all the stuff that is right up my husband’s alley!! Could God have given me a better person to spend my life and do ministry with????
Thank you all for supporting us – in the fun ministry stuff and in the mundane business side of ministry. Obviously, that has to be there in order to operate efficiently to do the things God has called us here to do! We are thankful, not only for our supporters, but for the AMAZING staff and administration we have here! They are the ones who keep things running, loving on babies, caring for people, and meeting needs of those around them. Indeed, God has given a field ripe for harvest and showered us with workers eager to heed His calling!