Meet Whitney
Welcome new baby, Whitney, to Haven of Hope! She is a four month old bundle of joy, laughs and jabbers. This girl is always smiling, and you should see her little body move and sway the moment she hears music!

Full Circle
My home church, First Baptist Church Midland, Texas, came to visit us! This church, and many of these people, have supported us from the beginning, even before Haven of Hope or before HCO was a registered ministry. THIS is love and support in real life and we were blessed beyond measure to have them.

FBC Fun!
FBC Midland brought the fun with them!! We have brand new PLAY EQUIPMENT!! And to get this in Kenya is no small feat. This was an amazing gift for our little ones – and their aunties!

Lizzy Gets Her Own Room!
These two girls have known, loved, and financially supported Lizzy since she was one year old and they were just early elementary age. Now, before one heads off to college, they have finally come to MEET her in person, bringing with them the gift of setting her up with her own, new, big girl room!

Julia finishes Junior School
Julia has had an amazing experience at Greensteads International School. With a class of 13 students who were together for the past two years, with the same brilliant teacher from the UK, they leave Junior School and will move on to Senior School next year. (Like elementary to junior high/middle school.) We are so proud of her!

FBC Windermere, Florida
Ray & Amy and their team return for the fifth year, with a HUGE group this year! They spend time loving on the aunties and babies and meeting immediate needs. We love the ongoing relationship with have with Windermere!

Houston’s First Baptist Church
Houston’s First has come to visit us every year for TEN years! Their first trip was for the original dedication of our first HOH Baby House in Ngong (Nairobi), just a few weeks before our first babies. They now return each year, usually covering our baby house with care while sending our staff on staff retreat. This year, they had a much smaller group, so we all stayed and spent time together at HOH.

New Baby Nicole
Meet sweet baby, Nicole Neema. She came to us at about 10 days old, sweet, tiny and ready for love.

Mroczko Moments
The Mroczko family took our very first real family vacation as a family of four! After a summer filled with lots of work and guests, we took a much-needed break on the Kenyan coast. The girls had a BLAST swimming and exploring, and we enjoyed some lovely down time as a family.