Each summer, Houston’s First Baptist Church allows us the opportunity to go away for a day or two and pour into the lives of our staff – the ones who make it all happen! These people are the ones who give of their lives to make a difference in the lives of others. They give selflessly, wholeheartedly and joyfully. These people know what it means to “work as for the Lord and not for man.” And we just don’t say that because they are our staff; We have seen it in action. We have seen them grow, over years and years, into the amazing servants that they are.
Taking time to separate from the everyday routine and reconnect with ourselves, each other and the Lord, is a gift. We are grateful to Houston’t First for caring enough to foster growth in the hearts of the ones who do the hard things, serving our babies and our community every day of the year. Though we LOVE for guests to come and love on our babies, help our staff, help with projects, and visit and encourage our community, we especially love the role that Houston’s First plays in seeing beyond their few weeks in Kenya as they invest in “the rest of the year.” They know that when they leave, these are people that continue to show Jesus to our babies, continue to be Jesus to our neighbors and continue to share Jesus with our community. They pour into them so that they can continue to pour out to others. Truly, a gift! And we treasure it.
How amazing it is to be a part of this beautiful family! We share hearts and lives. We encourage, we challenge and we hold close. And most of all, we love as family loves. Thank you to all who make this time possible!