As you can see, we have “been quiet,” as our Kenyan friends would say. This has been a season of transition for our family, personally, as well as the HCO family.
God has been gracious to us through the changes of the past few months. Not only have things been in transition for our family as we have been processing the death of my dad and the changes that brings to our family, but things have also been in transition with ministry in Kenya.
As the government shifts some of its focus in processes regarding children’s homes in Kenya, we have been diligent to ensure that we are working within those new parameters. Fortunately, God has already led us on a track that is directly in line with the Children’s Department’s new objectives. We have a staff that is competent and capable, and our home is already known to be a leader and a way-paver in the direction that the Children’s Department is now moving. In all of this, there is still much work to be done. Much of it can be done from afar as we guide, empower and entrust our administrative leadership with the tasks at hand, and some will need to be done in person. In the next weeks, Jim will be taking a trip to Kenya to follow up on things, while I remain in Texas with Nana and the girls.
Speaking of Nana, she is our hero! She is an amazing example of strength and dignity. As change greatly affects her “new” life, she mourns the loss of my dad in the most beautiful ways. She has truly been able to find joy in her life in the midst of heartache. She is the epitome of Nehemiah 8:10 when it says, “This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” She finds strength to rejoice in the Lord and His goodness, even if this is not the way she would have chosen for things to go. We are grateful for this time we are able to take to spend with Nana. Thank you, our HCO family and supporters, for understanding our need to split ourselves between two continents during this season. God is, indeed, good and merciful.