What you call “summer,” we affectionately call “wageni season.” Well, some good friends of ours do, so we have adopted it as well.
We live south of the equator, so “summer” isn’t really what you think of for summer in America and Europe. While most of you are soaking up the summer sun, we are staying cool in cloudy Kenya. We typically have “rainy season” and “dry season” (also known as dusty season in Nakuru!). That’s it. And this year, our rainy season has been looooong. And the months of June, July and August are usually our coldest months.
Anyway…..as you hit summer and travel season, it becomes guest season for us!! Yay!!
When friends come to see and experience what God is doing in our midst and through the people here, it is a huge encouragement to us – not just us, but all of our staff as well!
We have no greater joy than to show off Jesus!
Our first team of the summer came last week from Anniston, Alabama. Thanks, Golden Springs Baptist Church for spending time with us! Not only did they hold babies and play with toddlers, but they were able to go into the community, into the homes of some of our staff and hear their stories and see the evidence of God’s work in their lives.

THIS is what we are all about! Sharing the greatness of God and making Him known in our community. We love to show off what the Lord is doing and the life-change of His grace in action! And “wageni season” is the most perfect time for that!
Why don’t you consider of coming to experience it for yourself? You are welcome! If you are interested in visiting HCO in Kenya, please connect with us and let us know. It doesn’t have to be in the summer….we’re always here. We would love for you to experience the ministry of His Cherished Ones first hand.