We have a weekly fellowship where all of our HCO/HOH staff gathers for some singing, testimony and sharing time. Every time our sweet Auntie Emily shares, she always wants to start with a greeting and response that everyone now knows.
Emily: “Brothers and sisters”
Everyone: “Sisters and brothers”
Emily: “Sisters and brothers”
Everyone: “Brothers and sister”
Everyone: “We are a family.”
(And of course you have to hear it with the Kenyan accent… “sistas and brathas.”)
But you know what? That’s what we are. That’s what we’re all about. And what better thing to say to remind us all of our purpose and role in this place than to speak those words together?
And then we see it. We see it in the faces and interactions of all of our little ones. They are brothers and sisters. It’s cute to see how some are just naturally bonded and closer to each other.
This is why we are here. To be a family. And we are grateful to all of our “extended family” who help make this family possible. The family of God is a beautiful thing!